Saturday, October 31, 2009
My day out
Friday, October 30, 2009
This entry I will write in bahasa
Outing before EXAM WEEKS!!!
Mar ask,
"Lets go out, anywhere is fine",
Me agreed!! Since i ve been busy to go out before ( i mean beside Pasar Malam Of course )
We went by PUTRA. It has been a long time since the last time i ride a PUBLIC TRANSPORT. I just feel weird. Usually i ride my EGO. ( a girl in a skuter in KL. phew..! )
We still did not decide where to spend our weekend Mar said,
"we decide later when we reach the terminal",
And now we already queuing to buy ticket. Finally,
It was SUNDAY and there were LOT of people there,
We were fascinated by the wonderful and colorful ice cream ( since it was HOT before )
GREAT of ICE CREAMS... We tend to buy all the flavor, but checked our purse... We both face each other and smile~~
Finally we just shared 2 scoop of 2 different flavors of ice creams.
AND we forgot to capture the ice cream when we eat it properly because, at the moment we remembered, the ice cream already left at the bottom. lol.
Went for breakfast+lunch at KFC.
bla bla bla bla...
girls chatting.
Before we return to IIU that day,
stop here is a MUST!!!
We found some thing interesting beneath the rack, it just some people 'throw
I am about to do some 'BAD' thing too (different from them), but Mar STOP me. Uwahh.. i felt soooo grateful to have such a wonderful friend.
That is what friends for right?
and of course, i add new collections... *smile*
Yeay... tentukan hidup anda..!!
Triple S Gathering
Thursday, October 29, 2009
hyaku posts
Sorry i was sooooo into Japanese right now. *gigle*
HYAKU in japanese means hundreds.
100 posts should be hyaku posts.... lol
Omedetou... Actually, we want to 'celebrate' our 100 posts ON our 100th post. BUT we did not realize that our post ALREADY exceed 100. So, who cares, horrayy.. congrats to us * throws confetti *
We, HOSHI will do our BEST in this competition.
Do vote for us. We really apreaciate your GREAT effort.
Ops.. in return, do click on the voucher's coupon on top of this page and get your Favourite SUNSILK at nearest WATSON ( malaysian Only ).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My Office
In this big room with 3 table and so many file and etc, I alone here. So, all these 3 table, 2 computer and 9 chairs become mine.. (^_^) lol!!
Top 5 Lifesaving Test for Every women
I got from here, and feel responsible to post it on hoshi as I thought sharing is caring =) do read this girl..It's for your own health.
If you are a woman, then surely you are already aware that there are certain things you have to do to take care of yourself and your health.
The problem is that women have so much on their plates these days and it is easy to forget how important your health really is.
Even if you are super busy and can hardly find the time to fit a doctor appointment into your schedule, there are five tests in particular that you should not forget about and which can actually be lifesaving.
1. The Mammogram
Mammograms are extremely important tests for women of all ages. A lot of younger women think that mammograms are only for their mothers, women who are older aged, but this is entirely untrue. In fact, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death around the world, and in many cases it develops in younger women, even those in their early twenties.
You should get a mammogram at least once every couple of years, and always check for lumps in your breasts. The best idea is to check in circular motions around the area of both your breasts every time that you are in the shower. Not only does the warm water help you to relax but as well it helps you to remember to examine yourself. This is a very important process because breast cancer sufferers have an incredibly high success rate as long as the cancer is caught early, and this means keeping on top of the situation on your own time.
Mammograms are recommended once a year for women over the age of 40.
2. Cholesterol Test
It is always important to keep the health of your heart at the top of your priority list. After all, without a healthy heart you are in serious danger, so it is important that you never let the health of your heart take a backseat. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women these days, which is obviously a quite frightening statistic. Six times more women die from heart disease then breast cancer each year, and most of these cases were due to the fact that the women avoided getting the right tests.
The best way to know where you stand in terms of the health of your heart is to get a cholesterol test. Remember that there is both good and bad cholesterol, but by getting a simple test your doctor will be able to inform you if your cholesterol levels are at a dangerous level. They will also test your blood pressure because high blood pressure or hypertension as it is medically known is a condition which can be very harmful, even potentially deadly.
Cholesterol tests are recommended at least once every 5 years starting at the age of 20.
3. Pap Test
Another test that you do not want to forget about is the Pap test. Many women mistakenly think that just because they do not have an STD or otherwise are not experiencing any problems that they simply do not need to get a Pap test, but this is actually completely untrue. In fact, there are many women who have developed conditions such as cervical cancer out of nowhere, and so whether you are presently experiencing any problems or not, it is vital that you get in and get a Pap test as often as is recommended, which is usually every six months to a year.
This test can detect any abnormal changes that could lead to cervical cancer, as well as various other health conditions. In fact, the American Cancer Society recommends that the Pap test be taken by all women at least once annually until the age of thirty, and if no problems arise until that point then they can begin taking the test only once every two or three years.
Cervical cancer is a major killer not only in the United States but all around the world, and although there are a variety of causes, one of the leading causes is the Human Papillomavirus, or HPV as it is more commonly known. This is one of the leading STDs in the world, and most women do not even realize that they have the disease until months, even years later, if at all.
4. Skin Check
Skin cancer is something that very few women think about, even though it is one of the leading causes of death among women around the world. Even if you stay out of the sun and take proper care of your skin you can still develop skin cancer, so it is important that you take the appropriate tests in order to stay on top of this and make sure that you do not have a skin cancer problem.
Every woman should start taking these tests after the age of eighteen, and this means having a skin exam at your dermatologists every 3 years, and once a year for women above 40. They will typically do an all over examination of your skin, checking for any abnormal pigmentations, red or brown spots, in particular moles that are larger than normal or irregularly shaped.
5. The Katie Couric Test
Colon cancer is not just something that men have to worry about, even though many people once thought this. The colonoscopy, which Katie Couric has now made famous, is a test that all people, both men and women, need to be concerned with. The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 75,000 women alone will be diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer this year, and so it is critical not only for you to take this test as recommended but also to keep your colon as clean and healthy as possible.
The colonoscopy is a test that allows a doctor to closely inspect the patient’s rectum, during which they will check for any signs of cancer, polyps, or even small growths that may continue to grow and eventually become cancerous. The test is quite simple, and the patient will first be given a medication that allows them to relax and not tense up, as this can make the examination of the rectum much more difficult. The scope is then inserted slowly into the rectum, and on this scope is a tiny video camera, the pictures from this which are sent to a television monitor in the room that the doctor can use to examine the rectum better.
Colon cancer is totally preventable and treatable if found early, so it is important that you
Other Physical Exams
- Dental checkups – Every six months to a year for exam and regular cleaning.
- Hearing tests – Once during adolescence, no need after that, unless problems appear.
- Eye exams – Every 2 years if you wear glasses or contacts, and if you have good vision, start every 2 years after the age of 40.
- Blood pressure tests – At least once every other year. More often if you’re overweight or have a family history.
- Fecal occult blood test – Once a year after 50.
- Bone density – Soon after menopause, if considering hormone replacement therapy or bone-building drugs.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hair fall? Its not a problem anymore...
You have problem like her??
"Whenever I brush my hair, handfuls drop out. I am really worried as I think I might be going bald"
It is worrying when you think your hair's falling out, but it's normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a dey. Try the tug test :
- Hold a small bunch; about 15 or 20 hairs ; between your thumb and index finger. Pull slowly and firmly. If more than six come out, you may have a problem.
Some hairdos, like ponytails or plaits, can cause hair loss as can over-enthusiastic brushing and blow drying.
Thinning hair can be due to stress, certain drugs and serious medical conditions such as thyroid deficiency and iron deficiency.
In most cases, it will grow back, so don't despair.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A cup of tea please~~
Tea tips
Switch your daily cuppa for tea to lose weight! According to the American Dietician's Journal, dandelion tea is known to help flatten the tummy and ease water retention. You could also try sipping on green tea throughout the day to help your body burn fat. Apparently it contains a compound known to help break down fat. Have four to five a day and you could even trim 70 calories off without trying!!
Cool tip right??
My all time fav., Aic lemon Tea...!!
Lets give it a shot..!
why we choose sunsilk???
do you know....
sunsilk uses its expertise from across the world in consumer research and advance science to unlock the secret of nature to beautiful luscious hair. With quality ingredients and innovative formulations, Sunsilk has created richer shampoos and thicker, creamier conditioners to give us simply beautiful hair.....
Saturday, October 24, 2009
cara pakai selendang
selendang: ihsan dari Mardhiyyah
gambar: ihsan dari Mardhiyyah
model: hani
Under the umbrella
Its raining heavily last evening. I just finish my English class and shivering when i reach my room. Wet by the rain a litle but i kept my hair dry in my tudung.
I wonder, how people deal with wet hair because of the rain. I mean, if they were about to go to class/work and it was raining cats and dogs. (speaking of dog, i stuned when i saw a dog walk in front of me on that rainy day)
Hurmm i guess SUNSILK Leave on conditioner could help. Is it? Owh, IT SHOULD. Since they were about to go to class/work, they did not have much time.
As SUNSILK leave on conditioner only took 1 minute to get GREAT hair, they certainly did not waste their time and manage to come to class/work on time.
So, let have our own SUNSILK leave on conditioner. put it in your handbag, and get ready to shine like a STAR!!!
( Get your own SUNSILK discount RM 2 voucher on top of this page, print it and bring it to your nearest WATSON )
Do vote for us ya~~
Hoshi's LoVe